Taking part in a serious journey of self-knowledge to discover more deeply
who we really are
what we really want,
where we want to go,
what we want to achieve,
what the meaning of our life is, regardless of all our imprisoning labels.
Discovering that we are wonderfully made, that there is a hidden prodigy and a divine spark imprinted in all of us to make it shine in all its beauty.
Improving in the most important areas of our life for our inner peace:
self-esteem, relationships, fear of other people’s judgement, addictions, affectivity and sexuality, goals, consciousness, health, ability to communicate with others , decision-making, handling emotions and negative thoughts, empathy, anxiety, anger, pain, loneliness, freedom, sickness, grieving…
Identifying our deeper and unheard needs Recognising and making our dreams come true Identifying the great goals we want to reach
Recognising our weaknesses, our grey areas, the many dysfunctional behaviours that characterise us and that lead us to perpetuate the vicious cycles that intensify our discomfort. Freeing ourselves from these traps and change our dysfunctional behaviours into healthy behaviours that generate inner well-being in us and the people around us.
Identifying our deepest wounds that influence us and keep us from giving and receiving Love. Taking part in a demanding, but accessible pathway to heal our heart
Strengthening our healthy parts in order to make up for our weaknesses and fears with the power of the Spirit.
Rediscovering that we can find what we need to heal our wounds and reach inner peace in our spirit
Transforming our weaknesses into strength, putting our talents to good use, turning every difficulty into a new opportunity
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